
Meditation & Breathwork

  • Develop self-mastery of your thinking, feeling and doing 
  • Learn how to meditate anywhere, anytime
  • Learn how to breathe fully and freely without effort so you have access to choice (i.e., respond rather than react)
  • Your breath is like a pharmacy, it changes your chemistry, and you can use it to improve your health and treat different ailments, plus create joy and ecstasy
  • Like any good spiritual practice, meditation and breathwork helps you to improve your default/autonomic patterns and responses to life
  • Increase your longevity | Breathe less to live longer (in the animal kingdom, those who breathe the slowest live the longest, e,g., whales, naked mole rats, turtles, elephants)
  • Learn how to slow down, be in your body and be present to your body (heal disassociation)
  • Heal breathing deviations and breath imprints | Childhood trauma creates dysregulated breathing (i.e., deviations & breath imprints). Learn how to breathe into the blockages so that they get broken down and then return to the full and free breath

Meditation and breathwork are foundational practices to inner transformation, so I want to share these powerful practices with you because they will change your life. Although we breathe automatically, without the need for conscious control, when we do attend to our breath consciously, miracles happen. 

The untrained mind is like a wild stallion and it will crap all over the place creating drama and emotional upset for you at every opportunity. The world outside of yourself is a mirror reflecting what’s inside of you. Meditation and breathwork enable you to train that wild stallion, so you can stop projecting, misinterpreting and taking things personally. You are empowered to respond rather than react and this means you can live a more fulfilling life with greater emotional closeness and connection with others.

Through my guided meditations and breathwork training, I will show you how to train your wild stallion. I have clients come in who tell me that they have never been able to meditate, it never worked for them. So they surprise themselves that, after meditating with me, their mind was able to settle and focus, they were able to experience a present, focused and concentrated mind and body that they never had before. If you are open, along the way you will learn transformative belief systems which help you to mentally let go and align yourself with The Creator so that you will be in greater alignment with your divine timing and life purpose.

Although our body’s breathe themselves, we need to bring conscious awareness to our breathing because, when we do, we self regulate and improve our mental and emotional well-being. We have choice. How does it get any better than that?!

If you engage in meditation and breathwork with me, what is required of you is a daily practice at home, and the more the merrier. The more you put into this practice, the more you will get out of it. I can’t do it for you, I can only be your guide. You need to put in the effort and over time you will harness the power of the wild stallion and use its energy to achieve your dreams and goals.